
Afforestation in the Andes

Abgeholzte Berghänge im Tal von Cochabamba

Trees planted


Climate protection factor
(in kg CO2 / tree / 20 years)






Afforestation in the Andes

Abgeholzte Berghänge im Tal von Cochabamba

Trees plant in the Andes of Bolivia

The Blue Planet Certificate has supported the afforestation project of Naturefund in the highlands of Bolivia and contributed to the planting of 12,776 new trees.The project's goal was to reforest in and around the Tunari National Park. Covering an area of ​​3,090 km², the National Park was established in 1961 to protect the wooded slopes of the eastern Andes Mountains. But it did not succeed. The mountain slopes are now almost bare, the soil is dry and the unique biodiversity disappeared. At the same time, people's water supply becomes more difficult every year.

Planted 12,776 trees with 92 families

In the summer of 2014, Naturefund, together with its local partner AGRECOL Andes, started a pilot project and helped 14 farming families convert their land to the dynamic Agroforest farming method, thereby building up edible forests. After only a few months, the soil recovered and the families had significantly higher yields. At the same time a new forest grew with a variety of species.From August 2015 to May 2017, 78 other farming families were supported by Naturefund to switch to dynamic Agroforestry. A total of 12,776 trees were planted with the 92 families on their land, of which 7,160 trees of local and endemic species and 5,616 fruit trees, the fruits of which families can use for their own food as well as for the market. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has been supporting the reforestation project of Naturefund since 2014.A tree stores here on average 300-400 kg of CO2. <link internal-link internal link in current>All projects
Map of Bolivia

Trees planted


Climate protection factor
(in kg CO2 / tree / 20 years)


