Hamberger moor near Bremen

Protect moorland and conserve CO2 storages

In times of climate change, protecting moors is extremely important. Moors store biomass and thus CO2 in peat for thousands of years. If the moor is drained and the peat is mined, the CO2 of earlier centuries is released into the atmosphere. At the same time, the CO2 storing moor is destroyed. Although moors cover just 3% of the world's surface, they still store a full 30% of natural CO2! Moors, especially hill moors, grow very, very slowly, on average about 1 mm per year. A spade full of peat must therefore grow for 300 years before it is destroyed in a few seconds.

In Central Europe, 10 m² of more store 1,500 kg of CO2 (10 m² is roughly the area for a medium-sized tree). Naturefund's goal is to buy and restore at least 50,000 square meters in the Hamberger and adjacent moors; To maintain or restore the storage of 7,500,000 kg of CO2.

Within our secure data base », we use average values of 500 kg CO2 per 4 m² to calculate the CO2 uptake of peatlands. The symbolism of the tree serves here as an equivalent within our CO2-calculator.

Protection against floods

Climate change also causes weather extremes such as drought or heavy rain. Therefor moors are also highly efficient climate protectors, as a moor can store up to 30 times its dry weight in water and easily replace huge, artificial retention basins in the event of floods.

Areas in Hamberger Moor

The Hamberger Moor is a former hill moor and part of the famous Teufelsmoor. It is located only a few kilometers from the famous artist village Worpswede. For several years, the Hamberger Moor was a nature reserve, only in the spring of 2017, it became part of the new and with 27,000 ha very large nature reserve Teufelsmoor.

However, in landscape conservation and nature conservation areas, large areas are still privately owned and used for agricultural purposes. One owner now wants to sell nearly 30,000 m² in the Hamberger Moor to Naturefund, which lies in the middle of the core zone. With the purchase of this area, Naturefund can begin to re-wet and then renaturate further adjacent former moor areas of up to 100,000 m². 10 m² moor save 1.500 kg CO2.

Peatlands are an important habitat

The Hamberger Moor and the Niedersandhausener Moor are, like many other moors, an important habitat for rare plant and animal species, such as the sundew, the adder and the strictly protected gray crane. Over many millennia, a great biological diversity has developed in the moors.

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Protected land199,507 m²
Climate protection factor
(in kg CO2 / m² / 50 years)