Communicate your climate contribution effectively

Logo des Naturefund Blue Planet Certificate
Nature conservation is not an isolated issue that only concerns governments or environmental and nature conservation organizations. On the contrary, it concerns each and every one of us and has a direct impact on our livelihoods, our economy and our society.

In addition to the positive climate impact, a commitment to nature conservation offers numerous other benefits for companies, such as strengthening the brand image, customer loyalty and employee motivation. Communication is crucial. Present your climate contribution effectively in just a few steps:  

1. include your smart certificate in your communication: 

In your customer account under “Certificate” you will find your PDF certificate, among other things, but also the web snippets for embedding in your website. This means that your certificate is always up-to-date and visible to your partners and customers. 

2. new banners and social posts:

In your customer account, you will now receive new image material for your online media. New web banners and social media posts for your online channels are available for download under “Content Service > Online Banner” and > “Social Media”.

3. set backlinks to your company presentation: 

On the Blue Planet Certificate website, you already have a specific company presentation on your climate contribution. Use this. With targeted backlinks on your website, you can use the transparency of the certificate to achieve higher rankings in search engines. 

Use the new content service now!
